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Netiquette for social media engagement for oncology professionals

Written by Sara Beltrán Ponce & Maura M Barry & Don S Dizon et al

social media

Social media growth in oncology allows for new frontiers in communication between cancer patients, caregivers and healthcare providers. This Perspective article, published in Future Oncology, describes how to create a social media identity and outlines best practices for engaging both in patient and caregiver spaces and professional communities.


Social media growth has revolutionized health care, facilitating user-friendly, rapid and global sharing of content. Within oncology, this allows for new frontiers in communication for cancer patients, caregivers and healthcare providers. As more physicians engage in online spaces, it is imperative that there are resources to assist in establishing a professional presence on social media. This article describes how to create a social media identity, best practices for engaging both in patient and caregiver spaces and professional communities, and how to address antagonistic and inappropriate behavior on social media with the goal of helping physicians develop an engaging, productive and enjoyable experience online.

Read the article here