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Zika virus could treat aggressive human CNS tumors in mice

A recent study published in the journal Cancer Research has demonstrated the capability of the Zika virus to be utilized as a tool to treat advanced human CNS tumors in mice.

Researchers injected small quantities of the virus into the brain of rodents with an aggressive stage of the disease. They observed an increased survival and a significant reduction in tumor mass in treated animals. In a few cases, the tumor was eliminated completely – even in cases with secondary metastasis in the spinal cord.

“We’re excited about the possibility of testing the treatment in human patients, and we’re already discussing this with oncologists. We’ve also applied for a patent for the therapeutic protocol used in rodents,” commented Mayana Zatz from the University of São Paulo (Brazil), who led the study alongside colleague Oswaldo Keith Okamoto (University of São Paulo).

Read the full story on Infectious Disease Hub.