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Intratumoral talimogene laherparepvec therapy in melanoma

Over the past several years, we have witnessed a boom in successful drug development for the treatment of patients with advanced melanoma. A number of novel drugs have demonstrated improved survival in these patients in large, randomized clinical trials. These include ipilimumab (an anti-CTLA4 antibody), vemurafenib and dabrafenib (selective BRAF inhibitors), trametinib (selective MEK inhibitor) and pembrolizumab and nivolumab (anti-PD‐1 antibodies) [1–6]. As a result of these advances, we now anticipate a median survival of greater than 2 years in patients with metastatic melanoma when these drugs are given in combination, especially in the case of dabrafenib with trametinib or ipilimumab with nivolumab [7].

Click here to view the full article in our partner journal Melanoma Management.