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Breast cancer interventions serving US-based Latinas: current approaches and directions

Despite efforts to reduce morbidity and mortality in breast cancer, Latinas continue to have lower 5-year survival rates than their non-Latina white counterparts. All along the cancer continuum from screening to follow-up of abnormal screening to diagnosis and treatment to survivorship, Latinas fare poorer than non-Latina whites. To close this gap, a number of research projects across the continuum have attempted to improve breast cancer outcomes. In this review, we examine studies that have been carried out in breast cancer along the cancer continuum. We focus not only on randomized, controlled trials, but also on quasi-experimental, and pre- and post-test studies that provided interventions for positive breast cancer outcomes. We examine not only the intervention outcomes, but also the type of intervention targets and type of intervention implementation. In future breast cancer research among Latinas, more emphasis should be placed on the steps in detection and treatment that occur after screening.


Learning objectives

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Analyze the epidemiology and impact of breast cancer among Latinas
  • Distinguish disparities in the detection and management of breast cancer faced by Latinas
  • Evaluate interventions to improve breast cancer detection among Latinas
  • Compare cultural and systematic interventions to improve breast cancer outcomes among Latinas.