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What are the 10 actions for change for advanced breast cancer?

The Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC) Global Alliance, has announced a bold new initiative, the ABC Global Charter, that sets out 10 clear goals to drive global improvements in ABC care and survival by 2025. The ABC Global Charter has been developed to address the most urgent and actionable gaps in the treatment and care of patients with ABC, to ultimately improve and extend their lives.

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The 10 actions for change are:

  1. Double median overall survival for patients with ABC to at least 4 years by 2025
  2. Improve quality of life for ABC patients in clinical practice
  3. Improve availability of robust epidemiology and outcomes data for ABC
  4. Increase availability and access to multidisciplinary care, including palliative, supportive, and psychosocial assistance for patients, families, and caregivers to ensure patients are receiving the best treatment experience
  5. Strive for all patients with ABC to have financial support for treatment, care and assistance if unable to work
  6. Offer communication skills training to all healthcare providers
  7. Provide accurate and up-to-date ABC-specific information tools to all patients who want them
  8. Increase public understanding of ABC
  9. Improve access to non-clinical supportive services for ABC
  10. Protect workforce rights for patients with ABC

Oncology Central ambassador and chair of the ABC Global Alliance, Fatima Cardoso commented: “Despite significant improvements in early breast cancer, the care of ABC has lagged behind with too many people still dying too early from advanced disease. There is an urgent need for change. The ABC Global Charter is an ambitious charter for change. Our goal is to unite the ABC community to work together towards common, achievable goals and work is now underway to implement the Actions for Change at international and local levels, ultimately to improve and extend the lives of ABC patients.”

Sources: ABC Global Alliance press release