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Fractals: a possible new path to diagnose and cure cancer?

The war on cancer is rather far from being victorious. The number of oncology patients has been increasing. In part, it can probably be explained by general aging of human population. There is multiple evidence of correlation between cancer development and polluted environment, genetic predisposition to cancer and exposure to some hazardous chemicals. Nevertheless, the general nature of cancer is not known as of yet. Traditional biochemical studies of cancer seem to be running out of steam. With the increase of precision and speed of DNA sequencing, it has become clear that just standard evolutionary genetic model of cancer may be not enough to understand the nature of cancer [1]. A recently observed sharp increase in the complexity and variability of genetic signatures of activated/mutated genes associated with cancer has considerably slowed the advancement in this direction. There is a hope that physical sciences can provide a missing link to understand and eventually eradicate cancer.

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